Basic information of the doctoral program.

The supervised doctoral theses found in the following section have been carried out within the Doctorate program in Engineering and Information Technology .

The aim of this program is to promote research, innovation and technology transfer in the fields of Computer and Industrial Engineering and information technologies. The program provides future doctors with a multidisciplinary and generalist training in the main lines of research developed by the department. The program is aimed at training researchers who are able to solve the problems posed by emerging technologies and apply this knowledge to achieve significant advances in science and innovation, ultimately facilitating their professional integration in research teams, companies innovation technologies, universities or research institutes both nationally and internationally.

It should be noted that the doctoral program has accreditation of excellence by the Catalan Accreditation Agency (AQU).

The main research lines of the theses led by Dr. Lluís M. Pla, head of the research team, focuses on Artificial Intelligence, Statistics, Decision Models and Game Theory. If you are interested in doing a doctorate in one of these lines or have any doubts or questions, you can contact us using the contact form you will find on this page or directly by emailing or